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2017 Master of Fine Art Chelsea College of Art and Design, London 

2015 Foundation Diploma West Dean College, West Sussex

1977 BSc  Southampton University, UK (Economics)

Lives and works in London and Hampshire, UK


13 - 18 February 2024.       'And Therin Lie The Guts', Espacio Studio, Shoreditch, London


1-4 December 2023.           Overload exhibition, Casa Lu, Correggio 42, Mexico City, Mexico

15 November 2023.             X Files exhibition, Casa Lu, Correggio 42, Mexico City, Mexico

30 July - 28 August 2022    Wells Art Contemporary WAC Exhibition and Shortlist

June 2022                           Circle Foundation Certificate of Artistic Excellence

6 July-22 August 2021        D Contemporary, London Threshold Exhibition

May 2021                            Circle Foundation for the Arts Certificate of Artistic Excellence 


1 Oct 2020 - 28 Feb 2021   Wells Art Contemporary WAC Exhibition and Shortlist


Dec 2019 - Jan 2020          D Contemporary, London, Painting Prize 2019

                                            Winner - People's Choice Award


June - August 2019            Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, London  

October 2017                     'On The Rocks', Folkestone Triennial, Space Gallery, Folkestone

September 2017                 Masters Degree Show, Chelsea College of Art, London

May 2017                           'Make Up', Mills Centre Gallery, Highgate, London          

March 2017                        'Nasty Women', Chelsea, MAFA Gallery, London

January 2017                     'Trans It', Triangle, Chelsea College of Arts, London

January 2017                      MAFA Gallery, London

November 2016                  MAFA Triangle Space, London

July 2016                            Chelsea Café, John Islop Street, London

June – August 2016            Orbital /Chelsea Salon - Lewis Piston office, San Diago , USA

May 2016                            Susak Expo, Croatia

Jan – Feb 2016                  'Conversation in Progress', Mills Centre Gallery, Highgate, London                      November 2015                 'Fly By The Seat of Your Pant Suit', Triangle/Cookhouse, Chelsea

Summer 2015                     West Dean College, West Sussex


Spotlight Magazine issue 29   June 2022

No Surrender                                    2017

Punctum Journal Issue 3                  2017

Punctum Journal Issue 2                  2016


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